What!? 'n stuff
I don't have anything to write this week.
Huh!? 'n things
eye hop mi spelyng macks yooo pewp, bass tared. Noh hard phellings,. geussed i konsintraat ohn kontint mowa thin ingwish>.
In the news today! a grammatical error........... >?!< when you think about it, it hurts. Ive had this twitch in
my eye for the last 3 days. At work, I asked fred (my dept manager), if I should go to the optomitrist or to the family doc.
He said I should see a psychiatrist. Its still there just pulsating.... O.< -twitch- anyway. Im gonna get workin on my
mandalorian costume for STARWARS Celebration 3! Ive got alot to do and still waiting for my armor to come in.... my helmet
and some other junk is done. Everyone welcome nick back from his anime convention. I hope he had fun
Monty Python Quote of the Week:
"Exploding is a perfectly normal medical phenomenon.
In many fields of medicine nowadays, a dose of
dynamite can do a world of good."
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